Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Heath Johnston

Once upon a time.. isn't that how every great story starts?

A man named Heath Johnson and his furry little pet dog Anthony were rambling along a street. Heath was relishing in the lovely scenery, when it struck him that he was dead. Heath remembered dying, and his faithful Anthony had been dead for years. He speculated as to where this street was taking them. After a long while, the two travelers came to a tall, grey stone wall on one side of the street. It looked to be exquisite marble. As Heath Johnston and Anthony reached the wall, he saw a superb gate in the arch, and the road that ran up to the entry was finished with pure yellow gold. Heath and the dog walked toward the gate, and as he got closer, he encountered a man at a desk.

When he was close, he yelled out, "Hello sir, Please excuse me, but… where exactly are we?"

"This is heaven, my friend," the kind individual answered.

"Wow!” Said Heath, “would you happen to have some water? We have come a long way,"

"Why Of course we do, sir. Please come in. I will have some icewater brought right up."

The man signaled, and the beautiful gate began to open.

"Can my friend," gesturing toward his dog, "come in, too?" Heath Johnston asked.

"I'm ever so sorry, good sir, but we do not allow pets here."

Heath thought a moment, glancing down at his friend and remembering all of the many years this loyal dog had been with him and then turned back toward the road and continued the way he had been going.

After an exceptionally long walk Heath and Anthony came to a thick brown dirt road, which led to a farm gate that looked as if it had never been closed. There was not a fence. As he neared the large gate, he saw a tall man within, who was leaning on a tree trunk and reading from a book of some sort.

    "Excuse me!" Heath called to the man by the tree. "Do you by chance have some water to spare? We have traveled for a long time and we are thirsty."

    "Yes, good sure, there's a faucet over there." The man pointed to somewhere In the back that could not be seen from where Heath stood by the gate. "Come on in and you can help yourself to as much as you would like!"

"And… what about my 4 legged friend here?" the traveler asked and nodded to his dog Anthony.

"Well I think there will be a small bowl by the faucet; and he is of corse welcome to share the water."

 And so they went in through the big gate, and indeed, there was an old faucet with a bowl left just beside it. Heath Johnston filled the bowl and took a long drink, when he was finished, he gave some to Anthony. After they were each full, Heath and the dog walked back to the kind man that was by the tree waiting for them.

"May I ask… What do you call this place?"

"This, my good friend is heaven," was the answer.

    " That surly is confusing," said Heath. "The man down the road said that was heaven, also."

    "Oh, do you mean the place with the gold road and the big beautiful pearly gates? No actually. That is hell."

"Wow, does it make you mad that they would use your name like that?"

    "Oh No, not at all. We are just glad they are willing to screen out the people who would leave behind their best friends in exchange for material things."

The end...........

This is a fictitious story about a man who's name was drawn at random from a database. No representations are indented. 

Was this not the page you were looking for? Maybe you wanted to find Heath Johnston here

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